Monday 20 May 2013

Cameron - Hapless & Gutless - "The Final Nail in his Premiership"?

The "swivel eyed loons" remark by the Chairman of the Conservative party, should be the final nail in Cameron's Premiership.

Cameron has preferred his "cronies account" of what was said rather than that of two reputable journalists. If the journalists are wrong, sue them, but I suspect that will not happen.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Cameron's EU Referendum "Con"

Our Membership of the EU is non-negotiable, as already clearly stated in the Lisbon Treaty and more recently by Angela Merkel and Miliband's Socialist French President colleague.

With his promise (yes another one) of an in/out vote in 2017, Cameron is just trying to "Con" the British Public into staying quiet until his Premiership is ended, which will be much earlier than 2017?

Thursday 9 May 2013

BBC Scandals & Mismanagement

Given all the recent scandals coming out of the BBC, should all we TV Licence Payers now be given a say as to whether or not we wish to continue funding this "morally bankrupt, politically biased and inept organisation"?

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Calamity Clegg's - 3 Million Lie

"Calamity Clegg" should be hounded from public office after his statement that 3 Million jobs will be lost if the UK leaves the EU.

There is not one shred of evidence to support such a statement and of course, "Calamity Clegg" did not produce any such evidence in support of his "Goebbels" like statement

Saturday 4 May 2013

Harman is deaf to UKIP Success

Harriet Harman boldly states that UKIP's County Council election success, does not mean that the electorate want UKIP to govern the country?

Harman is just another "Closet Westminster Politician" who rejects any result which does not fit-in with their "Narrow Westminster Village" view of the country and world at large?

UKIP Success - Cameron looks like the "Fruitcake" now.

Well done to UKIP for their County Council Electoral success.

Cameron does not wish to hear what his own party has been telling him and he, Miliband and Clegg have no respect for the views of the UK electorate, so it is hardly a surprise they all got such a "Hammering" from the voters on Thursday.