Monday 31 March 2014

Legal Aid - Unbelievable??

An Ethiopian Farmer has been granted legal aid to sue the UK Government for the Humanitarian Aid we have given to his country, which he considers has been misused by his fellow countrymen?

What idiots grant legal aid to residents of Ethiopia?

Sunday 30 March 2014

House of Commons - More Scandals

With another expenses and sex scandal reported in the last few days, set me thinking.

There are only 630 MP's, and given the number of Expenses and other Scandals in the last few years, probably makes this workplace / community one of the most corrupt in the world?

For Mothers Everywhere

A Happy Mother's Day to Mother's everywhere.

Saturday 29 March 2014

Blair escapes Public Scrutiny - Again??

Blair's part in granting immunity to some 200+ Irish murderers and Terrorists is now to investigated, but his involvement is not to be published or open to public  scrutiny????

Is it not time this man was called to account in a public arena rather than behind "closed doors"?

Friday 28 March 2014

OFGEM - Responsibility without Accountability

When will Government appointed  Bureaucrats leave well alone?

When there was only the Electricity Board supplying Electricity and only British Gas supplying Gas, we scrapped these so called monopolies  to create competition.

Now that we have a dozen or so Private Companies supplying us with both Gas and Electricity, OFGEM (a Government Bureaucracy) is now referring them all to the  Competition and Markets Authority (another Government Bureaucracy) who we are told will investigate and produce a report in 2 years time.

Meanwhile not having built any new power stations since Labour came to power in 1997, we are now going to shoot the UK Energy Industry in the foot. What investor / person is going to invest in these industries while this investigation takes place. Yes, blackouts may well be on there way.

As  Mrs. Thatcher said, "You cannot buck the market", so  when will bureaucrats heed this very sensible advice

Evidence - Mr.Cameron, please?

Isn't marvellous how politicians presume to know what the whole country is thinking?

The Prime Minister now claims, on what evidence he does not say, that voters were happy to wait for a say on Europe until after the next election.

This from a man who promised us a vote on the Lisbon Treaty!!

Thursday 27 March 2014

The Crimea & Russia

Having reduced our Armed Forces to below acceptable levels, Cameron & Co; are now suggesting our remaining troops be made available to police Eastern European EU borders??

Farage - Clegg - EU Debate

During this debate, Clegg looked ever so "smug" was "condescending" and treat the audience as if they were gormless!!!

EU 18 - UK Government 0 (nil)

Recent research shows that during the past 18 years the UK Government has lost every single vote when they have opposed the European Council.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Clegg - Farage EU Debate

I hope one of the questions that will be put to Nick Clegg during tonight's LBC debate is this:- Why does he and his Liberal Democratic Party believe they have the right to deny the British people a vote on this issue?

FIFA Corruption does it never end?

FIFA corruption will never go away as long the Football Associations in countries such as those in the UK, stop supporting Sepp Blatter. Do they have the courage to do so?

Brazil as a World Cup Venue is repugnant and immoral.

It is repugnant and immoral, in my view for countries such as South Africa and Brazil to host the World Cup.

Their selection may allow their leaders to "strut the world stage" for a few weeks, but it puts back for a generation the aspirations of all those living in squalor and poverty in those countries.

Crimea & EU & USA Sanctions - "Huffing & Puffing Solidarity".

For all their "huffing & puffing" & strutting the world stage together, Western Leaders know they are not going to change what has happened in  Ukraine & the Crimea.

EU 18 - UK Government 0 (nil)

Recent research shows that during the past 18 years the UK Government has lost every single vote when they have opposed the European Council.