Tuesday 23 December 2014

Another 170 New EU Laws in 2014 - Viva UKIP.

Thomson Reuters have produced a report showing the number of EU Laws introduced in the UK in 2014 was 170, an Increase of 13%.

We are now subject to some 1,497 EU laws in the UK?

Monday 22 December 2014

Kenneth Clarke - The Delusional MP

On the Andrew Marr show yesterday, Kenneth Clarke stated that "mass immigration" was not one of the causes of pressures on our:

- Housing.

What planet does this man live on?

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Pray for Schoolchildren Slaughtered in Pakistan.

My thoughts and prayers are with the parents and families of those children slaughtered in Pakistan by those "Savages The Taliban".

Monday 15 December 2014

Miliband's - Immigration Speech Fails to mention Numbers??

Ed Miliband's big Immigration speech today conveniently omitted how a Labour Government will reduce the numbers of Immigrants into the UK.

Once again Labour is trying to "con" the voters on this issue!!

Sunday 14 December 2014

David Miliband & The EU

David Miliband has pronounced  (from the USA where he now lives) the British would be "stupid" to vote to come out of the EU.

This from a man who aided and abetted "the flood" of immigrants into the UK and who lied to us about the Lisbon Treaty.

Friday 12 December 2014

Miliband - "Trust me on Cuts"?

Ed Miliband refuses to tell us where Labour (if elected) will make the necessary cuts to balance the UK books?

He tells us that "Labours Cuts" will be nicer than the "Conservative". If he will not tell us, how will we know?

Thursday 11 December 2014

Cameron's Turkey Bombshell

Cameron is to support Turkey's application to join the EU.

How does this square with his promise to bring immigration down?

Wednesday 10 December 2014

UK - Home to 12,000 Foreign Criminals

Thanks to the "EU Human Rights Act" we are unable to deport some 12,000 foreign criminals.

Mass Murderers, Murderers, Rapists, Terrorists and Paedophiles' all entitled to remain here. What a disgrace.

Monday 8 December 2014

So called - Wealthy Pensioners?

All 3 Political Parties have stated that they will stop the winter fuel allowance, free TV licence and Christmas bonus for wealthy pensioners.
When will Cameron, Clegg or Miliband have the guts to define the "wealthy pensioner?

Sunday 7 December 2014

Two faced Salmond

Instead of retiring gracefully, the man who say's he hates everything about Westminster, London and the UK, now wants to be a UK MP?

Is it the money, perks and expenses that attract him??

Political Waffling for Sunday Breakfast

Both Nick Clegg (The absentee Deputy Prime Minister) and Chuka Umunna (Labours "wonder MP") could not produce straight answers to any of Andrew Marr's questions this morning.

We got "Waffles" for breakfast?

Saturday 6 December 2014

Political Christmas Cards

Pleased I am not a recipient of a Christmas Card from our 3 main "political stooges" , there enough to put Santa off Christmas.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Chancellors Autumn Statement - Hiding the real Truth

The country is still £Billions in debt, yet the Chancellor (& the other Parties) remain unwilling to tell us the real truth about the required "austerity measures and spending cuts" necessary to get the UK economy back in the black.

Monday 1 December 2014

An Election Bribe or a Promise every day?

We must have an election coming, as we are now being offered a bribe or a promise every day, from Cameron, Clegg and Miliband?

Saturday 29 November 2014

Friday 28 November 2014

Cameron - More "False EU Promises"/

Has the penny not dropped with Cameron, no one believes anything he now says on the EU.

Thursday 27 November 2014

Cambs; County Council Wasting Money.

With Council Tax bills rising to unsustainable levels, why do CCC waste money on non-essentials such as the "My Place" (they have others) web sites??

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Public Schools - "Labour's Politics of Envy"

Having been educated in a Secondary Modern School, leaving at the age of 14, with no school leaving exams hence no qualifications, I wonder what Tristram Hunt (himself an ex  Public Schoolboy) Labour's Shadow Secretary of State for Education is trying to prove, with his current  proposals to strip Public Schools of their "Charitable Status"??
This just seem like the "Politics of Envy" dressed-up to please Labours paymasters, the Trade Unions.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Moaner Loser - Clegg

This loser is now accusing those who do not support him of being "anti-everything".

He still does not get the message, he and his party are no longer wanted.

Saturday 22 November 2014

UKIP in Tune with Electorate.

Their Rochester victory just shows that the main political parties are totally out of tune with the British electorate.

Hardly surprising given that they are all run by a "Westminster Village Political Elite" who have never had proper jobs in their lives??

Labour Elite - Sneer at Ordinary Home in Rochester.

The Labour elite who live in "Mansions" in the "London Bubble" sneer at an ordinary home in Rochester displaying the flag of St. George.
If ever there was an example of how far Miliband and his Labour Political elite are out of touch with ordinary voters - this was it.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Miliband "OutKlassed" by Myleene.

Miliband lost for an answer when tackled on his proposed "Mansion Tax" by Myleene Klass.

After the TV clash with Myleene,  Miliband later got his "Spin Doctors" to publish a puerile reply on twitter.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Miliband & Labour Party Abandon Local Democracy.

Candidates for the 2015 election are now to be selected and appointed by Miliband, Harman and a few cronies.

So much for their belief in Constituency democracy?

Monday 17 November 2014

"Major Disaster" - Lectures Us??

John Major who took the UK into the EU Exchange Mechanism, then lost some £20Billion of our Taxpayers money on "Black Wednesday" now dares to lecture us about the EU. Does he have no shame?

Sunday 16 November 2014

Cameron's - "Russian" - Hot Air Blustering

Cameron is fooling  no one with his sanction threats  against Russia.

Other EU countries continue to trade normally with Russia including selling ships and weapons?

Saturday 15 November 2014

FIFA is Rotten & Corrupt

The English FA should provide some leadership to the rest of the world and show some moral courage by resigning from FIFA immediately.

I am confident that if we did so, we would soon be followed by other Countries who are fed-up with FIFA'S rotten and corrupt activities.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

As a Nation we deserve better than MCC Posh Boys?

Let us hope that Miliband, Cameron and Clegg will be replaced by Statesmen or Stateswomen after the next election.

They are just arrogant Public School Boys.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Judges without a Memory?

There are some 40 Senior Judges and Lawyers who state that if Britain opts out of the European Arrest Warrant, we will become a “safe haven” for fugitives and criminals?

Are these the self same Judges and Lawyers who have provided a “safe haven” to “mass murderers”, “murderers”, rapists, paedophiles and a variety of other criminals by granting them asylum over the past 20 years?

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Camerons Guests - Libyan Rapists, Criminals & Drunkards

Having "Freed Libya" leaving chaos in his wake.

Cameron invited Libyan Rapists, Criminals & Drunkards to terrorise Cambridgeshire as part of their "Army Training"?

No All Clear for EU Accounts

For the 19th year in a row, the EU Accounts have not been signed-off.

Time to get out of this "Rotten & Corrupt" organisation.

Cameron persistst with his EU Renogiation Con?

The leaders of Germany, France, Portugal, Italy Greece & Hungary, plus the outgoing and incoming EEU Presidents have all stated that the EU terms of membership are non-negotiable.

So why is David Cameron continuing to try and CON the UK electorate on this matter?

Sunday 2 November 2014

Clegg, Miliband & Harman - "Feminist Plonkers".

Look how they run for cover, now they know their feminist T Shirts were made in an "Asia Sweatshop"?

Saturday 1 November 2014

Miliband - "Beggars Belief"

A cynical "posed photo opportunity" of Miliband" giving a few pence to a beggar?

 I would have thought this "man of the people" who was a member of the last Labour Government which had an "open door immigration policy", would have taken the beggar back to his £M+ mansion and provided free accommodation?

Tuesday 28 October 2014

An Ordinary Member of the PublicBumps into Cameron?

To prevent other members of the public meeting  Mr. Cameron, the number of his bodyguards is to be increased??

Friday 24 October 2014

This Rotten & Corrupt EU.

Accounts unaudited for 17/18 years, yet this grotesque EU Corporation has the audacity to ask the UK for an extra £1.7Billion (Yes Billion) while giving France (run by a basket case Labour Government) £801Million Rebate and Germany (yes Germany) a £614Million Rebate??

Looks like the EU have just "Lit a Bonfire" under "Cameron's Public Relations Con"????

Thursday 23 October 2014

Cameron's Con - Blasted by EU Commissioners?

Two EU Commissioners within 2 days of each other have ruled out any chance of Cameron being able to re-negotiate EU immigration into the UK.

Angela Merkel also ruled this and any other changes out when she addressed both houses of Parliament earlier this year.

So why does Cameron still insist on trying to "Con" the British people??

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Cameron's - Queens Conversation Faux Pas

Just like a schoolboy blathering to a stranger (former Mayor of New York) about his post Scottish Referendum telephone call with the Queen?

His Press Officer says he will not comment about a private conversation. Hardly a private conversation when it is held in public with the Worlds Media present.

Sunday 14 September 2014

Scots - Week of reckoning

This is the week, when the Scots have to ask themselves, "Would I buy a second hand car from Alex Salmond"??

Friday 5 September 2014

Scottish Referendum

Cameron and his Coalition Government appear to have no interest in the outcome of this referendum. If the result is the break up of the UK, he has to go??

Monday 1 September 2014

Ukraine - Cameron should stop "blustering".

Let Germany, France Spain and Italy take the lead in imposing sanctions or leading any other actions against Russia.

It is not for the UK to take the lead in this matter.

The Ukraine is not part of NATO (or the EU) and it is the EU which has stoked-up this conflict for its own political purposes, so let the leaders of the EU take the lead in resolving this matter.

More Cameron & Commons Dithering?

Having told us a few days ago we are under dire threats here in the UK from Islamic State Jihadist's. Today in the House of Commons Cameron tells us the Government were still thinking about what to do?

We are a nation of Lions led by Sheepish Idiots?

Thursday 21 August 2014

President Obama - The Weakest Link??

Looks like President Obama is the most indecisive incumbent since WWII.

Cameron - The "Belicose ditherer"??

He seems to be popping back to Downing Street almost every other day from his many holidays to let us and the world know that he and his government are considering this or considering that?? But no real action - marvellous!!!

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Clueless and Gutless Western Politicians.

From the Ukraine, to Nigeria, Libya, Gaza and Islamic State, we in the West are being led by Clueless and Spineless politicians. I hesitate in calling them "leaders".

Oh to have a "Statesman with Boldness, Gravitas and Integrity" then and only then will we get round to addressing some of these "pressing and savage conflicts" and taking forward a "recognisable policy" around which the West can unite?

It seems playing golf or topping-up your tan is more important to our Western Politicians than addressing these on-going conflicts.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Baroness Warsi - Well Done

Baroness Warsi's resignation from the Government today, further highlights the hypocrisy and double standards of current UK Foreign Policy toward the Israel / Gaza conflict.

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Libya - Another EU - Burning Success

Having boasted how we the EU and the West (including the USA) had liberated Libya, we now find it an out of control inferno, with terrorists in control.

Sunday 27 July 2014

Camerons - Teeside & Tyneside Geography Mix-Up

Apparently our Prime Minister does not know the difference between Teeside and Tyneside.

On his recent visit to Teeside he repeatedly referred to it as Tyneside - Nice to know we have an "educated Prime Minister"???

Thursday 24 July 2014

UK Influence on EU Partners - "ZILCH"

After all the bellicose threats the EU has no intention of imposing any meaningful sanctions on Russia.

Cameron's actions have been pitiful and this from a Prime Minister who hopes to persuade those same EU Partners to  give the UK a better deal in Europe? Some Chance!!

Monday 21 July 2014

Cameron Hypocrisy.

Once again Cameron is threatening sanctions against Russia?

If he is serious about sanctions why not start with all those Russian Oligarchs now living an buying up all the properties over £5M in London and the Russian owner of the London Evening Standard and Chelsea Football Club?

Or is he afraid that the  Conservative Party will lose the financial support that now comes from "the subsidiary company" of one of these Russian Oligarchs.

His hypocrisy "stinks"?

Friday 18 July 2014

Cameron - Demeans the UK.

Todays papers feature David Cameron "High 5ing" Junkers at a meeting in Europe.

His actions demean the post of Prime Minister and just make me cringe?? Am I alone in thinking this?

Thursday 17 July 2014

Cameron - No Statesman, No Style

Cameron set a new low yesterday, yes he was for a change wearing a suit, collar and tie, WITH trainers?

He is not satisfied with:
  • Selfies at State Funerals,
  • A "blog with a card" for the kidnapped Nigerian girls on the Andrew Marr show, instead of some meaningful diplomatic action.
  • Calling the President of the USA, "Barack" at a formal Press Conference.
When oh when will we get a Prime Minister, who is also a Statesman?

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Coward Cameron - Always a PR Man

In his so called Cabinet reshuffle Cameron has went for Style (of the female variety) and political correctness over substance.

As ever this "public schoolboy toff" displays cowardice rather than courage

Monday 14 July 2014

Labour denied our Armed Forces £30Billlion of funding.

Not satisfied in having bankrupted the country, we now learn that the last Labour Government denied some £30Billion of funding to our Armed Services while sending them to war Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Cabinet Ministers involved in this decision should be banned from ever holding or seeking to hold Public Office again.

Sunday 13 July 2014

Israel - Hamas conflict could blow Middle East apart.

If this conflict is not resolved quickly, it will be the "tinder box" that blows the Middle East apart.

Saturday 12 July 2014

Windbag (loser) Kinnock - supports (loser) Miliband

Lord (windbag) Kinnock, who always opposed our EU Membership, until he (and his family) got a chance to jump on the EU Gravy Train and line their pockets, now tells us Miliband is a greater leader than Churchill??

Has he been on the "wacky baccy" or is he canvassing to become Leader of the House of Lords, should (god forbid) Labour win the next election??

Thursday 10 July 2014

Strike supporter Miliband

Not surprisingly the Labour Leader who has never had a proper job, bowed to his Trade Union Paymasters and supported todays Public Sector Strike.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Cameron - No one is above the Law - What about Blair?

David Cameron said yesterday that no one is above the Law. Does this include Tony Blair?

Tony Blair should be "impeached by Parliament" for having  taken us to war in Iraq on a document which misled Parliament?

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Establishment Cover-Up Continues

Those MP's and Peers and other "so called" great  and good figures, must be laughing after Teresa May announced "another widespread inquiry" into past "alleged sex /paedophile offences" by Establishment Figures.

These new "investigations / inquiries" will take 2 years at least to report, by which time we will have a different Government and so the "cover-up" goes on.

Saturday 5 July 2014

Quote a Day Cameron?

An election must be on the horizon, as we are now getting "A Quote a Day" from our illustrious Prime Minister.

If only we could believe any of them?

Wednesday 2 July 2014

CAMBSVOICE: Wimbledon Free Seats?

CAMBSVOICE: Wimbledon Free Seats?: Why is it that those who can afford the most expensive seats at Wimbledon, end-up getting the Freebie Seats in the Royal Box??

Wimbledon Free Seats?

Why is it that those who can afford the most expensive seats at Wimbledon, end-up getting the Freebie Seats in the Royal Box??

Monday 30 June 2014

Why bother with Balls or Miliband?

Given that Ed Balls one of the architects in the last Labour Government, who sold off Bank of England Gold at knock-down prices and subsequently also bankrupted the country, why do the Media give him the time of day?

If the last Labour cabinet had been Directors of a company, they would have been banned from holding office for 7 years for having bankrupted the business. However, this does not apply to Cabinet Ministers, so people like Miliband and Balls have the audacity to ask us, less than 5 years after having bankrupted the country, to trust them again with our hard earned tax payers money - NO THANKS.

Sunday 29 June 2014

Cameron - "Still trying to Con us about the EU"

After being voted down about "drunkard Junkers" at the EU summit, Cameron is now trying to con us that he intends taking us out of the EU, when we all know that he will not be in Power in 2017?

If he wants to take us out of the EU let us have the referendum before or as part of next years General Election.

Thursday 26 June 2014

CAMBSVOICE: Archaic & Juvenile Prime Minister's Question Time

CAMBSVOICE: Archaic & Juvenile Prime Minister's Question Time: It really is about time that this weekly farce and archaic practice was replaced by a structured, responsible and equitable process...

Archaic & Juvenile Prime Minister's Question Time

It really is about time that this weekly meaningless and archaic practice was replaced by a structured, responsible and more equitable process.

If you agree please sign the petition at www.change.org which is seeking to bring pressure on the Prime Minister to change the current meaningless weekly session?

Wednesday 25 June 2014

EU Referendum Now Prime Minister

Even David Cameron must now see after his latest rebuff over the appointment of Jean-Claude Juncker as President of the European Commission, that he and we (UK Citizens) have absolutely no influence on EU Decision making.

Let us have referendum now or least before next years general election.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Camerons mate found Guilty?

Andy Coulson has been found guilty of phone hacking. David Cameron has apologised for having employed him in the Prime Ministers office.

Cameron was warned by several leading Conservatives prior to employing him about his dodgy past, but Cameron chose to ignore them.

Once again Cameron's judgement is found wanting.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Iran Laughing at our Diplomatic "Volte Face"

While William Hague appears to be telling us of his success in re-establishing diplomatic relations with Iran, within Iran their Media are "mocking-us" and making fun of Hague's statement to the House of Commons.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

No UK Foreign Policy

As the Iraq / Syria situation worsens by the day, we have no discernible Foreign Policy as we no longer have a sufficiently large or well equipped Armed forces.- to back-up any words our Prime minister or Foreign Secretary utter.

Our Foreign policy now consists of "hollow words" uttered from the fringes of the real world.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Former Conservative Adviser - Spills the beans on Cameron.

This former adviser states, "Cameron bumbles from one shambles to another without the slightest sense of purpose"?

British Jihadists in Iraq and Syria

If the UK Government know that there are some 400 British Nationals fighting as Jihadists in Syria or Iraq, we must also know who they are?

Simply strip them of their British Nationality, so they cannot return to the UK.

Monday 16 June 2014

Cleggs £1.15p Expenses Claim?

Always anxious to claim every penny from us the Taxpayer, one of Nick Clegg's recent expenses claims was for one "Tipp-Ex Shake & Squeeze" correction pen?

Just a pity he cannot be "Tipp-Exed" from our national Life.

Sunday 15 June 2014

Blair - Still advocating Middle East Intervention?

Has this man learned nothing from his former actions.

He helped create "The Cauldron" that is now the Middle East, yet is again advocating  British intervention.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Cameron & Miliband - Foot in Mouth Week?

The actions and words of our two Parliamentary Leaders during the past week, will probably guarantee an overall UKIP Majority at the next election?

How cans two supposedly "intelligent men" be so out of touch with ordinary voters?

 Time to call the men in white suits to take them away, for their own safety.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Where are Today's Statesmen?

With President Obama and Prime Minster taking "selfies" at Mandela's State Funeral.

Then Obama stopping chewing gum, just long enough to make a commemoration speech at the D Day Anniversary.

Later we had Cameron calling President "Barack" and the President calling the Prime Minister "Dave" at a formal Press Conference, just makes me  cringe with embarrassment.

They be our Leaders, but Statesmen they are not

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Iraq Inferno - The Blair, Bush Legacy.

The sadness of what is happening in Iraq to day, can be squarely placed at the feet of Blair & Bush. They miss-led the world and their own people in going to war against Saddam Hussein, now the people of Iraq and Syria are suffering as a result of that Blair / Bush conspiracy.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Islamisation of Birmingham Schools?

Its' a pity that in addition to sacking the Governors of the schools concerned, we cannot sack all of the Councillors on the Birmingham Council Education Committee?

CAMBSVOICE: Conservative view of Success?

CAMBSVOICE: Conservative view of Success?: The Conservatives hail the Newark by-election as a success even though their majority halved? If that is their definition of success, they...

CAMBSVOICE: 100 Days to go - The Ultimate Question for Scots

CAMBSVOICE: 100 Days to go - The Ultimate Question for Scots: Would you buy a used car from Alex Salmond?

CAMBSVOICE: Keith Vaz MP - Chairman Home Affairs Committee

CAMBSVOICE: Keith Vaz MP - Chairman Home Affairs Committee: It must be the ultimate indignity for any Minister, MP or Businessman /Businesswoman to have to appear before the House of Commons Home Affa...

Monday 9 June 2014

100 Days to go - The Ultimate Question for Scots

Would you buy a used car from Alex Salmond?

Keith Vaz MP - Chairman Home Affairs Committee

It must be the ultimate indignity for any Minister, MP or Businessman /Businesswoman to have to appear before the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee, Chaired by Keith Vaz MP.

Had Vaz been employed in any other business other than the House of Commons he would have been sacked before the last General Election for his own misdemeanours?

Saturday 7 June 2014

Conservative view of Success?

The Conservatives hail the Newark by-election as a success even though their majority halved?

If that is their definition of success, they need to be booted out of office ASAP.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Blair - Contempt of Parliament Charge.

Lord Owen, (former Labour Foreign Secretary) states Blair should be formally brought before Parliament, in respect of the Iraq War, to face charges of "Contempt of Parliament".

Saturday 31 May 2014

It is Cabinet Secretary who Governs the Country?

Todays papers apparently confirm that it is the Cabinet Secretary who makes all of the important decisions of the day and not the elected Prime Minister.

Friday 30 May 2014

Chilcott Enquiry - Who Governs the Country, The Prime Minister or a Civil Servant??

The Cabinet Secretary has decided that we will not see all of Tony Blair's notes and transcripts of his T/P calls with President Bush, leading up to the Iraq War.

I thought the Prime Minister was in charge of the country, not a Civil Servant?

Thursday 29 May 2014

Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)

LDP now appears to stand for, Liars, Double Dealers and Paedophiles.
Even their lifelong supporters have lost faith in their Party Leadership.

Chilcott Enquiry - More Blair "Double Speak"?

Blair says he is not holding-up the publication of this report, but goes on to say there are still some confidential issues to be sorted? So he is holding it up.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Blair at it again?

Our ex Prime Minister, he who believes he has the answer to all of the World's Problems, was lecturing us again from the comfort of a Swedish TV Studio on Sunday.

Blair (who betrayed the British people with his "hidden open door immigration policy - not mentioned in any of Labours Manifesto's") believes that immigration is not a problem or an issue for the British People?

A period of silence by Blair on all World and British political issues would be very much welcomed.

Monday 26 May 2014

Was Paddy (Lord) Ashdown drunk or on Drugs?

Lord Paddy Ashdown was touring the TV and Radio studios yesterday, saying (with a flushed red face) that Nick Clegg was "Best Prime Minister Britain hasn't Got"?? Was he drunk or on Drugs, he certainly is not sane, that's for sure.

Clegg Apology - Needed NOW?

Will this arrogant and condescending politician, now issue an unreserved apology to all those British people who disagreed with his Pro-European views, whom he called Unpatriotic?

If he is unwilling to issue such an apology, Cameron should sack him from the Cabinet.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Trust Cameron - Not on Your life?

David Cameron asks us to trust him on Europe? This is the same man who reneged on a "cast iron promise" to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Blair - Bush Missing Iraq Letter?

This missing "Were with you whatever letter" to George Bush, has probably gone the same way as his Parliamentary Expenses Receipts.

This ex Prime Minister has so much to answer for, but will probably never be called to account.

Chilcot Report still unpublished?

As this report is still unpublished, David Cameron needs to make up his mind at who's running the country - him or Tony Blair?

Clegg & Lib Dems the "Party of IN for Europe" - Yes the INsane Party

Nick Clegg, the "Miss Fifi" of British Politics states he is the leader of the "Party of  IN for Europe".

He certainly is the leader of the party of the INsane, who have no belief or confidence in the British People to be self governing and to re-establish ourselves as an independent Sovereign Nation.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Yet another Murderer and Rapist - Scandal

Another criminal walks out of prison and escapes on his Day Release? Who are the idiots who allow this to happen?

Monday 19 May 2014

Keep the Faith & Vote UKIP on Thursday.

Ignore the scurrilous and muck raking reports from the 3 main (Political Elite) parties and vote UKIP on Thursday to try and ensure that we once again become a "Sovereign Nation" which can make our own laws and decisions.

Friday 16 May 2014

Internation Criminal Court (ICC) & British Soldiers

The British Government should make it clear that they will not allow any British Soldier to be summoned to this court to answer allegations of war crimes in the Iraq War.

Thursday 15 May 2014

What Sanctions - Spain Harbours Russian Warships?

So much for Western solidarity in imposing sanctions against Russia. Spain reputedly supports these sanctions, yet has allowed Russian Warships to use its Harbours.

Monday 12 May 2014

Cameron's Con - To negotiate on Unimportant EU Issues

David Cameron's negotiating stance for the EU debate is to seek amendments to none important issues.
 He wishes to tinker at the edges.

He has no intention of seeking to return our "Sovereign Nation Status" with regard to:
  • The making of British Laws for British people by Parliament
  • That only the British Parliament determines the numbers and quality of people seeking to work and live here.
He is an unashamed Europhile  and will do all in his power to keep us in Europe. He has to go.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Cameron - Simply Does Not - Get It !!

On the BBC Andrew Marr show this morning, Cameron clearly stated that he does not intend to limit immigration into the UK?

Yet Cameron is trying to tell the British People that he has got the message - clearly he hasn't??

Name & Shame Parole Board Members?

Is it not time that those members of Parole Boards, who give early release to Criminals, who then repeat their crimes, are named and shamed.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Nigerian Kidnappings.

Was it only because the Nigerian Government were hosting an International Summit this week, that they have only now (some 2 weeks after they were abducted) commenced to taken action and seek help to get these Hundred + kidnapped girls back from these Muslim Fanatics?

David Cameron - What is it you intend to negotiate with the EU??

Cameron tells us today, that only he can guarantee an In-Out Referendum  from the EU?

This from the man who promised us a referendum (before being elected Prime minister) on the Lisbon Treaty - the last Labour Governments further sell-out of our National Sovereignty!!

Please tell us Prime Minister, what it is you intend to renegotiate?

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Blair - Holds-up Chilcott Iraq Enquiry Report

While Blair is using every "dodge" to prevent the publication of the Chilcott Enquiry into the Iraq War, 5 more of our brave servicemen, were brought back from Afghanistan today to be buried.

Another wasted Blair War, where British lives are still being sacrificed, while Blair continues to line his pockets.

Monday 5 May 2014

"Slippery Gerry Adams" - Escapes Again!!

As Gerry Adams has escaped being held to account once again, let us wish the McConville Family every success with their Civil Action against him.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Miliband - Does not believe in the British People!

On the Andrew Marr show this morning, we got perhaps the most "weasel words" yet about Europe, from Ed Miliband.

According to Miliband, we the "Great British People" can only survive in Europe and not outside Europe??

He clearly has no faith or belief in the British People.

He says his priority is to restore and improve the economic viability of the British workers who have suffered during the recession of the last few years!

Fine (hollow) words from the Leader of the Political Party who sold-off our Gold Reserves at knock-down prices on their way to "BANKRUPTING" the country!!!

Saturday 3 May 2014

Martin McGuiness - Reverts to Type!

Martin McGuiness has reverted to type - "Terrorist Type" by his threats to the Police over the Gerry Adams arrest.

He is probably worried that some evidence might emerge which will incriminate him - I hope so.

Friday 2 May 2014

Wednesday 30 April 2014

CAMBSVOICE: Leeds School Tragedy

CAMBSVOICE: Leeds School Tragedy: Let us remember and pray for the family of the murdered schoolteacher and all those affected by this tragedy.

Leeds School Tragedy

Let us remember and pray for the family of the murdered schoolteacher and all those affected by this tragedy.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Nick Clegg is Anti-British.

Nick Clegg wants us to be governed by people whose native language is not English and now he does not want the Queen to be head of the Church of England.

Does he not like being British?

Sunday 27 April 2014

Lib Dems - Deaf, Dumb & Blind

With the Cyril Smith scandal now out in the open, its' interesting that no one in the Lib Dems claims to have heard or seen any evidence of his wrongdoings when he was alive?

Thursday 24 April 2014

Blair still a Warmonger

Tony Blair wants the UK to intervene in Syria - has this man no shame after our Iraq and Afghanistan fiasco's.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

UKIP Election Posters

These posters reflect very accurately voters concerns about the European Union.

Monday 21 April 2014

Justice Secretary - Policy on Legal Aid - Absolutely Right

Chris Grayling, Justice Secretary, is absolutely right in his attempts to limit access to Legal Aid, to those who are residents of the UK.

He also proposes that Legal Aid should be provided to those who have been in the UK  for at least year.

I consider that a 5 year residency qualification should be the norm before Legal aid is granted?

Saturday 19 April 2014

Happy Easter

A  Happy and Joyous Easter to one and all.

Ukraine - What & Where next for the West?

The West having been outwitted and outmanoeuvred by Putin and the Russian speaking Ukrainians and sanctions proving such a farce, the future looks uncertain.

What further steps can the West take?

Friday 18 April 2014

Ukraine - Political Solution is best outcome.

Let us hope that the recent conference between the EU, USA, Russia and Ukraine leads to stability in the region.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Brazil - World Cup Protests Continue

Protests by the people of Brazil against their country hosting the World Cup, continue to go mainly unreported by the UK Press?

Tuesday 15 April 2014

European Union - 18 Years without any Signed-Off Accounts?

Perhaps EU supporters such as Clegg & Miliband will explain why for the 18th year in succession, the EU has failed to produce any Accounts?

Monday 14 April 2014

Policians Must Unite to Save GB & UK

Instead of sunning themselves in Foreign Climes, UK's Political leaders should be leading campaigns to save the UK from being broken-up by the SNP.

Sunday 13 April 2014

Ukraine - We must stay out!

When Ukrainian Pro-Western demonstrators (mobs) deposed a democratically elected President in Kiev, they were hailed and supported by our Western Governments.

Now that Ukrainian Pro-Russian demonstrators are doing the same in some of the cities in Eastern Ukraine, they are being called terrorists??

As the newly self-elected Ukraine (Kiev) Government seem hell bent on creating a conflict with Russia, we must not get our armed services involved.

Deputy Speaker, Nigel Evans Aquittal - Cesspit Parliament

Nigel Evans has been found not guilty of the charges brought against him.

Good Luck to him on that.

However his trial and subsequent revelations make me ashamed to be represented by a House of Commons which is both a financial and sexual cesspit!!

Friday 11 April 2014

Hague & Crimea - Who Does he Speak For?

William Hague is now offering to send British Police to the Ukraine to "improve security"?

On what authority is he making this offer?

Given the potential problem of our home grown "jihadists" returning from Syria, we need all of our Police on duty here in the UK for our own security and not in the Ukraine.

Omagh Bombing - Is Justice in sight?

Now that an Irish Republican has been charged  with murdering 29 people in the Omagh bombing of 1998, let us hope he will name his fellow conspirators.

The people of Omagh have waited far too long to see justice done

Thursday 10 April 2014

PC Keith Blakeclock - No Justice

Yet another prosecution fails, will his family ever get justice?

Will the residents of Broadwater Farm Estate in Tottenham, who lived there at the time, ever have the courage to come forward and name the murderers involved

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Victor Barker - Omagh Father - Congratulations

For standing and displaying a placard outside of Windsor Castle, to remind us all of Martin McGuinness's terrorist crimes.

The Tony Blair Philosophy?

Now we have it, in his recent interview the "Tony Blair" showed what he really thought of the British Public. "Get elected first and then ignore the voters". Still no apology for the wars he dragged us into?

Monday 7 April 2014

Norwich FC - Football Madness

Norwich Board should be ashamed of their cowardly sacking of Chris Hughton.

Sunday 6 April 2014

David Davis - Contradicts Cameron's EU Pledges

David Davis former Conservative Party Chairman, has broken  ranks to tell us the real truth about Europe.

He  states, Quitting Europe would boost UK Jobs, Wages, and enhance our World Prestige.

So much for Cameron's, Miliband's  and Clegg's lies??

Cameron & Culture Secretary

The Prime Ministers continuing silence and failure to act, condemns him

Saturday 5 April 2014

Cameron - No Principles, No Integrity - Just Spineless

The Prime Minister and his cronies have closed ranks to defend the indefensible - the Culture Secretary's expenses fiddling??

Cameron and Co; remain impervious to the views of ordinary electors - time for them all to go!!

Friday 4 April 2014

MP's cheat Taxpayers of another £45,000 - With Prime Ministers support?

Once again we have MP's defending one of their own.

The Independent Parliamentary Standards Commissioner advised that Maria Miller, Culture Secretary should hand back £45,000 of her "expenses fiddle" (Sorry, over-claimed allowances) to us the Taxpayer.

However, her fellow MP's have ignored the advice they received and ordered her to only repay £5,000?? They are generous with "our money".

If she had been working for a private company or business she would have been sacked and probably prosecuted, but it seems our MP's place themselves above the law.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Falkland Islands - No support from Obama

Looks like any pretence of a "special relationship" is at an end, with the USA now siding with Argentina over the Falkland Islands.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Afghanistan - Will it have been in vain?

Twelve years of war, Four Hundred and Forty Eight (448) British Lives lost, thousands maimed and injured not counting the many innocent Afghan killed or wounded - will our efforts prove to have stabilised and made a better and different country? Only time will tell.

The major British politicians who took us there, have long since departed the scene to enjoy millionaire lifestyles, while it has been left to the generous British Public and organisations such as Help for Heroes to care for those who were maimed or injured.

I remember John Reid, Secretary of State for Defence in 1996 on television with a smile on his face saying that British Troops  would be able to complete their mission, "without a single shot being fired"? Of course he got his reward with a seat in the House of Lords and lucrative directorships when he left the House of Commons.

Also, let us not forget the Prime Minister (Tony Blair) who led us into this conflict - now a multi-millionaire, with his fortune increasing year on year.

Prime Ministers Questions - Infantile Behaviour

Am I alone in thinking that Prime Ministers Question Time in the House of Commons, is an infantile mud slinging farce.

To think that Cameron leads the UK and Miliband could lead the UK, will only encourage voters at the next election, to write on their ballot papers, "none of the above".

It is about time we had a Prime Minister who is both a Leader and a Statesman - not overgrown schoolboys with no experience of life.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Scottish - Alex Salmond £1 Coins

It is reported in some newspapers today (April Fools Day) that if Scotland votes for Independence, within six months Alex Salmond's head will replace the Queens on Scottish £1 coins??

Such a "wonderful proposal"?? - should ensure a landslide vote for Scotland to stay in the UK.

Monday 31 March 2014

Legal Aid - Unbelievable??

An Ethiopian Farmer has been granted legal aid to sue the UK Government for the Humanitarian Aid we have given to his country, which he considers has been misused by his fellow countrymen?

What idiots grant legal aid to residents of Ethiopia?

Sunday 30 March 2014

House of Commons - More Scandals

With another expenses and sex scandal reported in the last few days, set me thinking.

There are only 630 MP's, and given the number of Expenses and other Scandals in the last few years, probably makes this workplace / community one of the most corrupt in the world?

For Mothers Everywhere

A Happy Mother's Day to Mother's everywhere.

Saturday 29 March 2014

Blair escapes Public Scrutiny - Again??

Blair's part in granting immunity to some 200+ Irish murderers and Terrorists is now to investigated, but his involvement is not to be published or open to public  scrutiny????

Is it not time this man was called to account in a public arena rather than behind "closed doors"?

Friday 28 March 2014

OFGEM - Responsibility without Accountability

When will Government appointed  Bureaucrats leave well alone?

When there was only the Electricity Board supplying Electricity and only British Gas supplying Gas, we scrapped these so called monopolies  to create competition.

Now that we have a dozen or so Private Companies supplying us with both Gas and Electricity, OFGEM (a Government Bureaucracy) is now referring them all to the  Competition and Markets Authority (another Government Bureaucracy) who we are told will investigate and produce a report in 2 years time.

Meanwhile not having built any new power stations since Labour came to power in 1997, we are now going to shoot the UK Energy Industry in the foot. What investor / person is going to invest in these industries while this investigation takes place. Yes, blackouts may well be on there way.

As  Mrs. Thatcher said, "You cannot buck the market", so  when will bureaucrats heed this very sensible advice

Evidence - Mr.Cameron, please?

Isn't marvellous how politicians presume to know what the whole country is thinking?

The Prime Minister now claims, on what evidence he does not say, that voters were happy to wait for a say on Europe until after the next election.

This from a man who promised us a vote on the Lisbon Treaty!!

Thursday 27 March 2014

The Crimea & Russia

Having reduced our Armed Forces to below acceptable levels, Cameron & Co; are now suggesting our remaining troops be made available to police Eastern European EU borders??

Farage - Clegg - EU Debate

During this debate, Clegg looked ever so "smug" was "condescending" and treat the audience as if they were gormless!!!

EU 18 - UK Government 0 (nil)

Recent research shows that during the past 18 years the UK Government has lost every single vote when they have opposed the European Council.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Clegg - Farage EU Debate

I hope one of the questions that will be put to Nick Clegg during tonight's LBC debate is this:- Why does he and his Liberal Democratic Party believe they have the right to deny the British people a vote on this issue?

FIFA Corruption does it never end?

FIFA corruption will never go away as long the Football Associations in countries such as those in the UK, stop supporting Sepp Blatter. Do they have the courage to do so?

Brazil as a World Cup Venue is repugnant and immoral.

It is repugnant and immoral, in my view for countries such as South Africa and Brazil to host the World Cup.

Their selection may allow their leaders to "strut the world stage" for a few weeks, but it puts back for a generation the aspirations of all those living in squalor and poverty in those countries.

Crimea & EU & USA Sanctions - "Huffing & Puffing Solidarity".

For all their "huffing & puffing" & strutting the world stage together, Western Leaders know they are not going to change what has happened in  Ukraine & the Crimea.

EU 18 - UK Government 0 (nil)

Recent research shows that during the past 18 years the UK Government has lost every single vote when they have opposed the European Council.