Saturday 29 November 2014

Friday 28 November 2014

Cameron - More "False EU Promises"/

Has the penny not dropped with Cameron, no one believes anything he now says on the EU.

Thursday 27 November 2014

Cambs; County Council Wasting Money.

With Council Tax bills rising to unsustainable levels, why do CCC waste money on non-essentials such as the "My Place" (they have others) web sites??

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Public Schools - "Labour's Politics of Envy"

Having been educated in a Secondary Modern School, leaving at the age of 14, with no school leaving exams hence no qualifications, I wonder what Tristram Hunt (himself an ex  Public Schoolboy) Labour's Shadow Secretary of State for Education is trying to prove, with his current  proposals to strip Public Schools of their "Charitable Status"??
This just seem like the "Politics of Envy" dressed-up to please Labours paymasters, the Trade Unions.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Moaner Loser - Clegg

This loser is now accusing those who do not support him of being "anti-everything".

He still does not get the message, he and his party are no longer wanted.

Saturday 22 November 2014

UKIP in Tune with Electorate.

Their Rochester victory just shows that the main political parties are totally out of tune with the British electorate.

Hardly surprising given that they are all run by a "Westminster Village Political Elite" who have never had proper jobs in their lives??

Labour Elite - Sneer at Ordinary Home in Rochester.

The Labour elite who live in "Mansions" in the "London Bubble" sneer at an ordinary home in Rochester displaying the flag of St. George.
If ever there was an example of how far Miliband and his Labour Political elite are out of touch with ordinary voters - this was it.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Miliband "OutKlassed" by Myleene.

Miliband lost for an answer when tackled on his proposed "Mansion Tax" by Myleene Klass.

After the TV clash with Myleene,  Miliband later got his "Spin Doctors" to publish a puerile reply on twitter.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Miliband & Labour Party Abandon Local Democracy.

Candidates for the 2015 election are now to be selected and appointed by Miliband, Harman and a few cronies.

So much for their belief in Constituency democracy?

Monday 17 November 2014

"Major Disaster" - Lectures Us??

John Major who took the UK into the EU Exchange Mechanism, then lost some £20Billion of our Taxpayers money on "Black Wednesday" now dares to lecture us about the EU. Does he have no shame?

Sunday 16 November 2014

Cameron's - "Russian" - Hot Air Blustering

Cameron is fooling  no one with his sanction threats  against Russia.

Other EU countries continue to trade normally with Russia including selling ships and weapons?

Saturday 15 November 2014

FIFA is Rotten & Corrupt

The English FA should provide some leadership to the rest of the world and show some moral courage by resigning from FIFA immediately.

I am confident that if we did so, we would soon be followed by other Countries who are fed-up with FIFA'S rotten and corrupt activities.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

As a Nation we deserve better than MCC Posh Boys?

Let us hope that Miliband, Cameron and Clegg will be replaced by Statesmen or Stateswomen after the next election.

They are just arrogant Public School Boys.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Judges without a Memory?

There are some 40 Senior Judges and Lawyers who state that if Britain opts out of the European Arrest Warrant, we will become a “safe haven” for fugitives and criminals?

Are these the self same Judges and Lawyers who have provided a “safe haven” to “mass murderers”, “murderers”, rapists, paedophiles and a variety of other criminals by granting them asylum over the past 20 years?

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Camerons Guests - Libyan Rapists, Criminals & Drunkards

Having "Freed Libya" leaving chaos in his wake.

Cameron invited Libyan Rapists, Criminals & Drunkards to terrorise Cambridgeshire as part of their "Army Training"?

No All Clear for EU Accounts

For the 19th year in a row, the EU Accounts have not been signed-off.

Time to get out of this "Rotten & Corrupt" organisation.

Cameron persistst with his EU Renogiation Con?

The leaders of Germany, France, Portugal, Italy Greece & Hungary, plus the outgoing and incoming EEU Presidents have all stated that the EU terms of membership are non-negotiable.

So why is David Cameron continuing to try and CON the UK electorate on this matter?

Sunday 2 November 2014

Clegg, Miliband & Harman - "Feminist Plonkers".

Look how they run for cover, now they know their feminist T Shirts were made in an "Asia Sweatshop"?

Saturday 1 November 2014

Miliband - "Beggars Belief"

A cynical "posed photo opportunity" of Miliband" giving a few pence to a beggar?

 I would have thought this "man of the people" who was a member of the last Labour Government which had an "open door immigration policy", would have taken the beggar back to his £M+ mansion and provided free accommodation?