Thursday 12 May 2016

Courts need to get much Tougher.

We learn today that some 13,000 (Yes - Thirteen Thousand) suspected and convicted criminals, including murderers, rapists and child sex offenders are on the run after skipping bail.

What "loonies" grant these people bail?

Sadly, the police state they do not have the resources to chase all who jump bail - Marvellous!!!

Monday 9 May 2016

Cameron Warmongering Coward??

Our Prime Minister has now descended to the gutter in the EU debate, implying quite strongly that to leave the EU will lead to War.

If he is so sure of his arguments why is he afraid to debate these live on TV?
I suggest it is because he is an "unprincipled coward"?

Monday 2 May 2016

EU Debate - Irrefutable Facts

As someone who campaigned (As a member of the Labour Party) and voted to join the EEC in 1975, it is clear from Cabinet Papers (now available under the 30 year rule) of 1974/1975 era that we were lied to by both the Heath and Wilson Governments. I will cite the three following examples from Prime Minister Harold Wilson’s pamphlet circulated to every household prior to the 1975 referendum:

1)       Britain will not have to put VAT on necessities”!
-          Under EU rules we now pay VAT on Gas and Electricity and other essential
2)       “No important new policy can be decided in Brussels without the consent of a 
         British Minister answerable to a British Parliament”!
      – So why are so many of our laws et al now imposed on us from Brussels?
3)       “The Minister representing Britain can veto any proposal for a new law if he considers it to be against British Interests”
      – We have no veto?
Recently a former Government Cabinet Secretary has gone on record as saying “to deceive” is not necessarily lying”. Such is the abysmal absence of “ethics” that now lay at the heart of successive UK Governments of all shades of opinion.

David Cameron stated months ago that no biased campaigning of the kind now demonstrated within his “dodgy EU propaganda leaflet” would take place, but as the former Cabinet Secretary has stated “to deceive” is not necessarily lying.  This “dodgy leaflet” is akin to Blair’s now infamous Iraq Dossier.

The question I would pose to any “Remain Advocates” is this.. Would you invest your own or your family’s money in a business or organisation which has not provided any “audited accounts” for 17/18 years and for which there is substantial and verifiable evidence that that organisation business has misused and abused the funds with which it has been entrusted?

 Our Prime Minister states that he has “negotiated substantial reforms” as part of his recent EU Plane hopping from EU Capital to EU Capital, yet is unable to produce for us all to see and understand a document itemising these “negotiated reforms signed-off by all of the other EU Countries”?

 Finally, it is difficult not to comment on the “Mammon like Conversion” of former Euro sceptics such as Hague, Kinnock and Corbyn, to the EU fold. Surely the last similar dramatic conversion was St. Paul on his way to Damascus. At least St. Paul’s conversion was for the greater good!

Kinnock and Hague fought elections to keep us out of the EU and now we have Corbyn reneging on his countless previous statements of which I quote a few:-
  • “The European Central Bank will undermine any social objective that any Labour Government inthe United Kingdom – or any other Government – would wish to carry out “From Hansard.     
  • “What powers do we have to do anything about fraud in the EU Institutions? Much of that money seems to find its way into the hands of the Mafia or into grandiose unwanted and often badly-built projects that are of no use to anybody” From Hansard.  
  • The Treaty on European Union takes away from National Parliaments the power to set economic policy and hands it over to an unelected set of bankers” From Hansard.     
Corbyn, makes my case for me”

Sunday 1 May 2016

Huntingdonshire MP

Interesting to note that our Huntingdonshire MP Mr Jonathan D'Janogly voted in Parliament "Against" having an Inquiry into "Tax Avoidance and Evasion" following the disclosure of the Panama Documents?

Perhaps he could explain to his Constituents why he took this stance?

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Judges block proposed £2Billion saving of Taxpayers money - favouring new Immigrants.

Judges have blocked  an attempt by the Government to limit legal aid to those of us who have lived in the UK  or a Crown or Overseas dependency.

Immigrants whether Legal or Illegal now get the benefit of £2billion of our hard earned   taxpayers money.   The action was brought by a "Charity"? I always thought charity began at home?

Sunday 17 April 2016

Andrew Marr - Has to Go!!

His Sunday morning "political interviews" are turning out to be "party political broadcasts" for whichever politician he interviews.

He may ask probing questions, but then he allows them to answer a totally different question and continue to prevaricate on other matters of interest to themselves or their political party.

Yvette (Mrs. Balls) Coper ran rings around Andrew the this morning and he allowed it (not for the first time recently) to happen.

Andrew, sorry to say you are past "your sell by date" - and its time for you to go.

Friday 15 April 2016

Question for the "EU Remain Brigade"?

A question for all of those who wish to remain in the EU.

"Would you invest your own or your family's money in an organisation/business which has not provided audited accounts for 17/18 years and for which there is substantial and verifiable evidence that that organisation/business has misused and abused the funds with which it has been entrusted"????

Saturday 9 April 2016

"Dave the Posh Dodgy Dealing Spiv"

The Prime Minister's response to his Fathers and his own Tax dealings this week has confirmed all of the suspicions I ever had about him.

 "He is just a Posh Dodgy Dealing Spiv"

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Cameron - Will he repay his Father's "Evaded Taxes"?

Cameron now has a chance to demonstrate - "That we are all in this Together" by repaying the Taxes his Father so successfully avoided paying.
Over to you Prime Minster?

Thursday 31 March 2016

Cameron - "Clear as Mud on Steel Crisis"?

Cameron's TV interview on the South Wales Steel Crisis - "We have ruled nothing out, but Nationalisation is not the answer".

Nice to have clarity from the Leader of the Country?

Wednesday 16 March 2016

An "Ignorant" Prime Minister - Again!!!

Does this Prime Minister have no shame or etiquette?

At Mandela's Funeral he was more interested in having a "selfie" taken with a female politician than paying attention to the service.

Now yesterday at the Commonwealth Service in Westminster Abbey he is seen texting  as he waited for the service to begin.

I wonder if he would text while attending a service in a Mosque?

Sunday 13 March 2016

"The Magificent Seven Reasons" for leaving the EU.

When this band of "unprincipled" self-righteous politicians :-
  • Kinnock
  • Blair
  • Corbyn
  • Clegg
  • Cameron
  • Osborne
  • Hague
 agree with one another - that is a good enough reason for not believing a word they say!!

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Another Cameron - EU SELL OUT?

The EU/Turkey deal is another sell-out by David Cameron.

This man does not have any principles and is demonstrating he is the true heir to Blair!!

Friday 4 March 2016

Cameron "bows and begs" to failed French Socialist President.

Cameron now wants us to believe the latest scaremongering statements from a "Failed Socialist President of France" regarding the EU referendum!

Has a Conservative Prime Minister (or Leader) ever bowed and begged to the Socialist Leader of another country as much as Cameron is currently doing???

I am happy for Cameron to sell his soul own, but I certainly do not want him to sell this Great Nation of ours further down the rotten and corrupt EU.!

Thursday 3 March 2016

EU Referendum - Another day of scare stories??

Our Spineless & Gutless Prime Minister now has set-up (you have guessed it with our taxpayers money) a "Government Goebbels Type Propaganda Unit" to churn out a "scare story a day" should we leave the EU.

Those of us who wish to leave the EU, should point out to our opponents that they should read the Prime Ministers last election manifesto about the EU, compare that to the "miniscule (so called) improvements" he has negotiated - his failures to deliver are glaring by his own objectives!!!

He is reverting to his "Blairite Tendencies" of lies and more lies.

Sunday 14 February 2016

Andrew Marr - Must Go?

Am I alone in thinking it is time for Andrew Marr and his Sunday morning show to go?

You have to live in or near to the "Westminster Bubble" to be selected to review the papers, he has a regular team of "guests" who interchange with one another on a regular basis - a cosy chat among friends. It is a London based programme for the London "political clique" - the rest of the UK is ignored.

Also, he must be one of the most ineffectual "political interviewers" in the media, he never follows-up some of his probing questions when he receives weak or evasive answers, he is infuriating!!

Sorry, Andrew it is time for you to go.

Monday 1 February 2016

The Great Cameron "EU Con" is about to start.

Our spineless and gutless Prime Minister is about to promote "The Great EU Con" debate.

He asked for nothing of substance, so his EU Cronies will gladly accommodate his wishes, declaring that they have hard and difficult discussions!!

Do not be fooled, coming out of the EU is the only way to govern ourselves, and to free ourselves from Dictatorial Unelected  EU Commissioners (Commissars)  and become "Great Britain" once gain.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Cameron's - New Channel Tunnel Immigration Policy,

To avoid immigrants entering the country illegally, David Cameron now proposes to close the Channel Tunnel to train traffic every alternate day, so as to allow immigrants to walk safely thro' and be given "Asylum" - all paid for by the generous British Taxpayer!!!

All will be welcomed as they safely arrive at Folkestone.