Thursday 31 March 2016

Cameron - "Clear as Mud on Steel Crisis"?

Cameron's TV interview on the South Wales Steel Crisis - "We have ruled nothing out, but Nationalisation is not the answer".

Nice to have clarity from the Leader of the Country?

Wednesday 16 March 2016

An "Ignorant" Prime Minister - Again!!!

Does this Prime Minister have no shame or etiquette?

At Mandela's Funeral he was more interested in having a "selfie" taken with a female politician than paying attention to the service.

Now yesterday at the Commonwealth Service in Westminster Abbey he is seen texting  as he waited for the service to begin.

I wonder if he would text while attending a service in a Mosque?

Sunday 13 March 2016

"The Magificent Seven Reasons" for leaving the EU.

When this band of "unprincipled" self-righteous politicians :-
  • Kinnock
  • Blair
  • Corbyn
  • Clegg
  • Cameron
  • Osborne
  • Hague
 agree with one another - that is a good enough reason for not believing a word they say!!

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Another Cameron - EU SELL OUT?

The EU/Turkey deal is another sell-out by David Cameron.

This man does not have any principles and is demonstrating he is the true heir to Blair!!

Friday 4 March 2016

Cameron "bows and begs" to failed French Socialist President.

Cameron now wants us to believe the latest scaremongering statements from a "Failed Socialist President of France" regarding the EU referendum!

Has a Conservative Prime Minister (or Leader) ever bowed and begged to the Socialist Leader of another country as much as Cameron is currently doing???

I am happy for Cameron to sell his soul own, but I certainly do not want him to sell this Great Nation of ours further down the rotten and corrupt EU.!

Thursday 3 March 2016

EU Referendum - Another day of scare stories??

Our Spineless & Gutless Prime Minister now has set-up (you have guessed it with our taxpayers money) a "Government Goebbels Type Propaganda Unit" to churn out a "scare story a day" should we leave the EU.

Those of us who wish to leave the EU, should point out to our opponents that they should read the Prime Ministers last election manifesto about the EU, compare that to the "miniscule (so called) improvements" he has negotiated - his failures to deliver are glaring by his own objectives!!!

He is reverting to his "Blairite Tendencies" of lies and more lies.