Tuesday 29 July 2014

Libya - Another EU - Burning Success

Having boasted how we the EU and the West (including the USA) had liberated Libya, we now find it an out of control inferno, with terrorists in control.

Sunday 27 July 2014

Camerons - Teeside & Tyneside Geography Mix-Up

Apparently our Prime Minister does not know the difference between Teeside and Tyneside.

On his recent visit to Teeside he repeatedly referred to it as Tyneside - Nice to know we have an "educated Prime Minister"???

Thursday 24 July 2014

UK Influence on EU Partners - "ZILCH"

After all the bellicose threats the EU has no intention of imposing any meaningful sanctions on Russia.

Cameron's actions have been pitiful and this from a Prime Minister who hopes to persuade those same EU Partners to  give the UK a better deal in Europe? Some Chance!!

Monday 21 July 2014

Cameron Hypocrisy.

Once again Cameron is threatening sanctions against Russia?

If he is serious about sanctions why not start with all those Russian Oligarchs now living an buying up all the properties over £5M in London and the Russian owner of the London Evening Standard and Chelsea Football Club?

Or is he afraid that the  Conservative Party will lose the financial support that now comes from "the subsidiary company" of one of these Russian Oligarchs.

His hypocrisy "stinks"?

Friday 18 July 2014

Cameron - Demeans the UK.

Todays papers feature David Cameron "High 5ing" Junkers at a meeting in Europe.

His actions demean the post of Prime Minister and just make me cringe?? Am I alone in thinking this?

Thursday 17 July 2014

Cameron - No Statesman, No Style

Cameron set a new low yesterday, yes he was for a change wearing a suit, collar and tie, WITH trainers?

He is not satisfied with:
  • Selfies at State Funerals,
  • A "blog with a card" for the kidnapped Nigerian girls on the Andrew Marr show, instead of some meaningful diplomatic action.
  • Calling the President of the USA, "Barack" at a formal Press Conference.
When oh when will we get a Prime Minister, who is also a Statesman?

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Coward Cameron - Always a PR Man

In his so called Cabinet reshuffle Cameron has went for Style (of the female variety) and political correctness over substance.

As ever this "public schoolboy toff" displays cowardice rather than courage

Monday 14 July 2014

Labour denied our Armed Forces £30Billlion of funding.

Not satisfied in having bankrupted the country, we now learn that the last Labour Government denied some £30Billion of funding to our Armed Services while sending them to war Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Cabinet Ministers involved in this decision should be banned from ever holding or seeking to hold Public Office again.

Sunday 13 July 2014

Israel - Hamas conflict could blow Middle East apart.

If this conflict is not resolved quickly, it will be the "tinder box" that blows the Middle East apart.

Saturday 12 July 2014

Windbag (loser) Kinnock - supports (loser) Miliband

Lord (windbag) Kinnock, who always opposed our EU Membership, until he (and his family) got a chance to jump on the EU Gravy Train and line their pockets, now tells us Miliband is a greater leader than Churchill??

Has he been on the "wacky baccy" or is he canvassing to become Leader of the House of Lords, should (god forbid) Labour win the next election??

Thursday 10 July 2014

Strike supporter Miliband

Not surprisingly the Labour Leader who has never had a proper job, bowed to his Trade Union Paymasters and supported todays Public Sector Strike.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Cameron - No one is above the Law - What about Blair?

David Cameron said yesterday that no one is above the Law. Does this include Tony Blair?

Tony Blair should be "impeached by Parliament" for having  taken us to war in Iraq on a document which misled Parliament?

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Establishment Cover-Up Continues

Those MP's and Peers and other "so called" great  and good figures, must be laughing after Teresa May announced "another widespread inquiry" into past "alleged sex /paedophile offences" by Establishment Figures.

These new "investigations / inquiries" will take 2 years at least to report, by which time we will have a different Government and so the "cover-up" goes on.

Saturday 5 July 2014

Quote a Day Cameron?

An election must be on the horizon, as we are now getting "A Quote a Day" from our illustrious Prime Minister.

If only we could believe any of them?

Wednesday 2 July 2014

CAMBSVOICE: Wimbledon Free Seats?

CAMBSVOICE: Wimbledon Free Seats?: Why is it that those who can afford the most expensive seats at Wimbledon, end-up getting the Freebie Seats in the Royal Box??

Wimbledon Free Seats?

Why is it that those who can afford the most expensive seats at Wimbledon, end-up getting the Freebie Seats in the Royal Box??