Monday 28 December 2015

Let Us Have Some "Postive Action" For Flood Victims- NOW!

I believe we (The Government) should be giving each "Flooded Household" £10K (Ten Thousand Pounds) payment to assist them get back on their feet and restore their damaged homes ASAP.

With regard to businesses "both large and small" I believe they should be given £50K (Fifty Thousand Pounds) to assist them get back on their feet and re-establish the business as soon as possible.

These payments should be made direct to the people concerned, once it has been verified by their local emergency service that they were flooded.

Does anyone agree with me regarding this proposal?

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Now "Cameron the Silent"?

Strange how Cameron has kept a low UK Profile following his disastrous attempts last week to re-negotiate with his EU colleagues??

John (Disaster) Major has been trying to put the case for staying in the EU, but why should anyone pay heed to the man who got every foreign policy decision wrong when he was both PM and Chancellor. The country is still paying for his sell out of the UK with his Mastricht Treaty and "Shadowing the Euro"??

Why Oh Why does the media give time and space to "failed has-beens"?

Sunday 13 December 2015

Cameron, Gutless, Spineless & Unprincipled.

Have we ever had such a "Spineless, Gutless & Unprincipled Prime Minister and to think I voted for him in 2010!
  • Lisbon Treaty  - Reneged on Pre-election Promise.
  • Immigration -  He has lost the plot.
  • Balancing of the Nations Books by 2015 - A far off joke.
  • A Decision on Heathrow or Gatwick - by the end of 2015? - He now puts Party before Country on this issue.
  • We will keep our Nations Defence Strong - He has slashed our Armed Services to below the bare bone.
  • Flood Relief - He has insulted all of the people of the UK who have suffered flooding due to inadequate (& Budget Cutting) flood defences and the £50M he is making available to the residents of North west England and  Scotland is a sick joke. Remember last year he said money would not be an issue??
  • His EU supposed EU Re-Negotiations are a joke and he has become a European laughing stock.
Mr. Cameron it is time to go and take your Chancellor with you.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Cameron now "True Heir to Blair the Warmonger".

Blair and his Labour Government led us into an "illegal war in Iraq" fully supported and endorsed by the Conservative opposition.

Today Cameron's Conservative Government is leading us into an "illegal war in Syria" fully supported and endorsed by the Labour Opposition.

Do our politicians never learn?