Tuesday 19 April 2016

Judges block proposed £2Billion saving of Taxpayers money - favouring new Immigrants.

Judges have blocked  an attempt by the Government to limit legal aid to those of us who have lived in the UK  or a Crown or Overseas dependency.

Immigrants whether Legal or Illegal now get the benefit of £2billion of our hard earned   taxpayers money.   The action was brought by a "Charity"? I always thought charity began at home?

Sunday 17 April 2016

Andrew Marr - Has to Go!!

His Sunday morning "political interviews" are turning out to be "party political broadcasts" for whichever politician he interviews.

He may ask probing questions, but then he allows them to answer a totally different question and continue to prevaricate on other matters of interest to themselves or their political party.

Yvette (Mrs. Balls) Coper ran rings around Andrew the this morning and he allowed it (not for the first time recently) to happen.

Andrew, sorry to say you are past "your sell by date" - and its time for you to go.

Friday 15 April 2016

Question for the "EU Remain Brigade"?

A question for all of those who wish to remain in the EU.

"Would you invest your own or your family's money in an organisation/business which has not provided audited accounts for 17/18 years and for which there is substantial and verifiable evidence that that organisation/business has misused and abused the funds with which it has been entrusted"????

Saturday 9 April 2016

"Dave the Posh Dodgy Dealing Spiv"

The Prime Minister's response to his Fathers and his own Tax dealings this week has confirmed all of the suspicions I ever had about him.

 "He is just a Posh Dodgy Dealing Spiv"

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Cameron - Will he repay his Father's "Evaded Taxes"?

Cameron now has a chance to demonstrate - "That we are all in this Together" by repaying the Taxes his Father so successfully avoided paying.
Over to you Prime Minster?