Wednesday 24 September 2014

Cameron's - Queens Conversation Faux Pas

Just like a schoolboy blathering to a stranger (former Mayor of New York) about his post Scottish Referendum telephone call with the Queen?

His Press Officer says he will not comment about a private conversation. Hardly a private conversation when it is held in public with the Worlds Media present.

Sunday 14 September 2014

Scots - Week of reckoning

This is the week, when the Scots have to ask themselves, "Would I buy a second hand car from Alex Salmond"??

Friday 5 September 2014

Scottish Referendum

Cameron and his Coalition Government appear to have no interest in the outcome of this referendum. If the result is the break up of the UK, he has to go??

Monday 1 September 2014

Ukraine - Cameron should stop "blustering".

Let Germany, France Spain and Italy take the lead in imposing sanctions or leading any other actions against Russia.

It is not for the UK to take the lead in this matter.

The Ukraine is not part of NATO (or the EU) and it is the EU which has stoked-up this conflict for its own political purposes, so let the leaders of the EU take the lead in resolving this matter.

More Cameron & Commons Dithering?

Having told us a few days ago we are under dire threats here in the UK from Islamic State Jihadist's. Today in the House of Commons Cameron tells us the Government were still thinking about what to do?

We are a nation of Lions led by Sheepish Idiots?