Monday 28 December 2015

Let Us Have Some "Postive Action" For Flood Victims- NOW!

I believe we (The Government) should be giving each "Flooded Household" £10K (Ten Thousand Pounds) payment to assist them get back on their feet and restore their damaged homes ASAP.

With regard to businesses "both large and small" I believe they should be given £50K (Fifty Thousand Pounds) to assist them get back on their feet and re-establish the business as soon as possible.

These payments should be made direct to the people concerned, once it has been verified by their local emergency service that they were flooded.

Does anyone agree with me regarding this proposal?

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Now "Cameron the Silent"?

Strange how Cameron has kept a low UK Profile following his disastrous attempts last week to re-negotiate with his EU colleagues??

John (Disaster) Major has been trying to put the case for staying in the EU, but why should anyone pay heed to the man who got every foreign policy decision wrong when he was both PM and Chancellor. The country is still paying for his sell out of the UK with his Mastricht Treaty and "Shadowing the Euro"??

Why Oh Why does the media give time and space to "failed has-beens"?

Sunday 13 December 2015

Cameron, Gutless, Spineless & Unprincipled.

Have we ever had such a "Spineless, Gutless & Unprincipled Prime Minister and to think I voted for him in 2010!
  • Lisbon Treaty  - Reneged on Pre-election Promise.
  • Immigration -  He has lost the plot.
  • Balancing of the Nations Books by 2015 - A far off joke.
  • A Decision on Heathrow or Gatwick - by the end of 2015? - He now puts Party before Country on this issue.
  • We will keep our Nations Defence Strong - He has slashed our Armed Services to below the bare bone.
  • Flood Relief - He has insulted all of the people of the UK who have suffered flooding due to inadequate (& Budget Cutting) flood defences and the £50M he is making available to the residents of North west England and  Scotland is a sick joke. Remember last year he said money would not be an issue??
  • His EU supposed EU Re-Negotiations are a joke and he has become a European laughing stock.
Mr. Cameron it is time to go and take your Chancellor with you.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Cameron now "True Heir to Blair the Warmonger".

Blair and his Labour Government led us into an "illegal war in Iraq" fully supported and endorsed by the Conservative opposition.

Today Cameron's Conservative Government is leading us into an "illegal war in Syria" fully supported and endorsed by the Labour Opposition.

Do our politicians never learn?

Monday 30 November 2015

Lunacy of closing "Coal fired Power Stations" in UK.

Is there no one with any sense in the UK Government or on the Opposition benches to stop the lunacy of closing our Coal fired Power Stations??

We our now importing "wood chips" from Canada to burn in our Power Stations because it is believed to be cleaner than burning coal?

However, the Canadian Government uses Coal in its' Power Stations, using British Technology to minimise harmful emissions!!! Why can we not do the same??? instead of closing our Coal Fired Power Stations and closing our few remaining Coal mines?

Sunday 29 November 2015

Cameron "Syria Bombing Proposal" - Illogical?

Cameron wants to be bomb and kill ISIL Jehadist's in Syria, as he considers they are direct threat to us here in the UK.

However, the hundreds of ISIL trained Jehadist's who have returned to this country from Syria are allowed to freely roam our streets. What action has he taken about these Jehadist's absolutely nothing - as it may infringe their Human (EU) Rights???

Cameron's "bombing proposal" is nothing more than a PR Stunt to detract us from rising immigration, his policy of reducing the capability of our Armed Services and the Police and his failed EU re-negotiations.

He clearly hopes by his proposed action to win and influence some of his EU friends, naively believing they may change their minds about his EU renegotiation shopping list - or am I being too cynical??

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Cameron - Still Clueless & Spineless on Immigration & ISIS.

Does David Cameron not have any idea of how the British Public want some simple and effective measures to curb and control immigration?

As for ISIS he has slashed our forces to below the barebones, so any action we could take is severely limited.

It is time for him to go.

Farage or Littlejohn for Prime Minister - Yes, Yes, Yes.

Sunday 15 November 2015

"Bloody Sunday" - Soldier Investigations should cease Immediately.

If Blair could issue dozens of "legal immunity certificates" to IRA Murderers, surely Cameron should have the Courage and Backbone to do the same for all of our soldiers involved in "Bloody Sunday"??

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Coward Cameron at it again?

At the CBI once again Cameron was prevaricating over the EU.

It is sad that we have so-called leaders, but no Statesmen in Parliament.

Cameron at the CBI yesterday was being dishonest with the British people, it is time he went.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Ministers should Resign - Re:- Kids Company Payments?

Oliver Letwin and Matthew Hancock, overruled their  Civil Servant Advisers and approved a further £4.3M Pounds to the corrupt "Kids Company Charity".

If our local councillors made payments to organisations against the advice of their Local Government Officers, they would be personally surcharged.

Ministers are not bound by similar rules, therefore Letwin and Hancock if they have any integrity should resign immediately.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Coward Cameron - Still "mute" on EU Renegotiations?

Dave is still refusing to tell us the British People what it is he is going renegotiate with his EU Bosses?

Saturday 31 October 2015

Shaker Aamer - Friend or Foe??

This man was not "selling ice cream to tourists" when he was in Afghanistan.

There is no evidence that he was working for humanitarian organisations as he claims.

If he is to be compensated to the tune of £1M (as is being suggested) for his incarceration, may I suggest Tony Blair pays this, then we deduct from that compensation, the benefits his family have lived on for the past decade, his £70K Private Jet costs to bring him back to the UK and the cost of any medical treatment he benefits from. We then send him back to his native Saudi Arabia.

Thursday 29 October 2015

Kid's Company - Waste of Tax Payers Money!

It is a pity that those Government Ministers both Labour and Conservative, who authorised payments to "The Kids Company" cannot be surcharged, in a similar manner to local Councillors.

If Local Councillors spend money against the advice of Council Officials, the Councillors can be surcharged - it is time this same principal was applied to Government Ministers?

Tuesday 27 October 2015

What brave MP will ask for Blair to be Impeached?

I wonder if any MP will have the courage to raise a question in Parliament as to when the House of Commons will commence "Impeachment Proceedings" against Blair for having led the country into an illegal war based on his "dodgy dossier"?

As the Tories supported Blair in going to war in Iraq, I suppose it will be left to a new MP to raise this question?

Saturday 24 October 2015

Cameron - Now how about some support the Steel Industry?

Now that David Cameron has finished "kow-towing" and holding out the begging bowl to the Chinese and having "selfies" with footballers, he will turn his attention the plight of the British Steel Industry and take steps to ensure its' survival.

Friday 16 October 2015

Conman "The Unready" Cameron.

Our dear Prime Minister has still not got the guts or integrity to tell the British People what it is he intends to renegotiate with the EU?

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Solve Julian Assange Issue - Close Ecuadorian Embassy?

The government can save the British Taxpayer Millions of £'s in Police Expenditure and arrest Julian Assange at the same time - just close the Ecuadorian Embassy?

Oh,  how I wish the Cameron Government had some courage and commonsense ?

Monday 12 October 2015

It is "Patriotic" to want to be out of the EU.

Lord Rose leader of the "EU In Campaign" has got it wrong (no surprise there) it is patriotic to want to be in charge of your own destiny rather than be dictated to by bureaucrats like "President" (unelected) Junker.   

Our national interest   does not coincide with that of the EU. We are best served by our own Government and our own laws from outside the EU.     

Thursday 8 October 2015

Merseyside Police Killing.

Delighted that the police have managed to arrest two suspects for this killing so quickly.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Cameron's Renegotiation CON


It is clear that David Cameron's renegotiation is a con that will attempt to convince the British people that they must vote to stay in the European Union. But we already know that the biggest issues such as free movement of people are not even up for discussion. Watch our video below to see why you should not trust Cameron with his renegotiation.
youtubevid.jpgClick here to watch Cameron's renegotiation con video.
Time and time again David Cameron has made promises on the EU. To not hand over billions more to Brussels. To bring net migration down. And now he says that we must trust him with the renegotiation.
This is nothing more than #CamsCon. We must get on with exposing how we can only get our country back by voting to leave the European Union. The reality is that the longer we remain inside the EU, the more damage it will do to our country.
Help us spread the word by sending this video to your friends and colleagues. You can also help us campaign to get the UK out of the EU by donating here.

UKIP Campaign Team
UKIP · Lexdrum House, King Charles Business Park, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 6UT, United Kingdom
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Created with NationBuilder, the essential toolkit for leaders.


Tuesday 6 October 2015

EU - "Clown" President Junker

This unelected bureaucrat now wants to allow Turkey's 75 million people who are not part of the EU, to be allowed to travel to any EU country without a visa - marvellous!!

So far Prime Minister Cameron has been "mute" on this proposal??

Monday 5 October 2015

Chilcott Inquiry

Still no news as to when this report will be published. What a disgrace.

David Cameron - The EU Coward

"Conman Cameron" has not got the courage or integrity to tell us what it is he intends to re-negotiate with the EU? What a coward.

Thursday 12 March 2015

No to SNP Coalition

I urge Ed Miliband and the Labour Party, to rule out forming a coalition Government with the Scottish National Party (SNP) in the event of a "hung parliament" after the May elections.

Why is this important?

The SNP wish to destroy the United Kingdom and we wish to retain the United Kingdom.
Forming a "coalition government" with the SNP will only speed-up the break-up of the United Kingdom - which must be resisted by all lovers of the UK.


I just started the petition "No to SNP Coalition"" and wanted to ask if you could add your name too.

This campaign means a lot to me and the more support we can get behind it, the better chance we have of succeeding. You can read more and sign the petition here:

Thank you!

P.S. Can you also take a moment to share the petition with others? It's really easy – all you need to do is forward this email or share this link on Facebook or Twitter:

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Chilcott Inquiry - Who Runs the Country?

Apparently it is the Cabinet Secretary (an unelected Civil Servant) who is delaying the publication of the Chilcott Inquiry into the Iraq War!

It is time Prime Minister Cameron got a grip on this issue and demonstrate that he runs the country and not the Cabinet Secretary!!

Cabinet Overload??

A  photo in many of today's papers showed the Cabinet in session.

I counted some 38 people in attendance at the Cabinet.

Do you agree with me - "too many noses in the trough" to arrive at any sensible decisions or policies?

Monday 5 January 2015

Con,Lab, Lib - Manifestos's of Lies - UKIP is way Forward

The usual suspects with the usual lies and promises.

UKIP supporters just want their country back and for us to be a self-governing nation once again.